Over 120 companies use InvestorHub to directly engage more than 500,000 investors.
Learn how Dr Michael Thurn (CEO) maximised investor attention and demand by keeping investors and shareholders engaged at scale throughout their latest capital raise.
Learn how Impact's CEO used InvestorHub to consistently engage and educate the market to become a top 5 performer by engagement benchmarking in their cohort.
Learn how RareX's CEO used InvestorHub to raise capital with 0% discount directly from its shareholders.
Learn how Dean Tuck (MD) and the leadership team deliver value to thousands of investors at scale, for the same time and effort as talking to a single individual.
Like most listed companies, ASX:ATC found it difficult to reach and engage retail investors via traditional IR. Altech chose InvestorHub to bridge the gap between their shareholders and the broader investor community.
ASX:PWN used InvestorHub to acquire 200 new shareholders in a month.
"InvestorHub gave us a deeper understanding of our shareholder base at scale."
Daniel Tillett
How ASX:TGM used InvestorHub to increase retail shareholder reach and engagement.
How ASX:TEM used InvestorHub to grow their shareholder base through difficult market conditions.
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