Campaign Monitor wasn't built for investor relations. InvestorHub is.

InvestorHub is the only software that makes it possible for listed companies to optimise on-market and off-market outcomes through optimised communications & data. We call it "direct-to-investor marketing", and it is revolutionising capital markets.

InvestorHub is trusted by billions in shareholder value.

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"As the leading independent voice for shareholders across Australia, the Australian Shareholders Association (ASA) is dedicated to enhancing shareholder engagement and governance within companies.

We believe communications solutions such as InvestorHub present an effective tool for public companies,
streamlining the process of engagement and deepening their shareholder relationships and thereby elevating communications outcomes."

- Australian Shareholders Association

Campaign Monitor vs. InvestorHub.

Campaign Monitor is an email marketing tool for e-commerce.Campaign Monitor is an email marketing tool with features like email personalisation, marketing automation, and detailed analytics. However, it cannot integrate marketing campaigns with standard IR workflows, shareholder behaviour, or capital markets outcomes.
InvestorHub links IR to capital markets outcomes.InvestorHub is an all-in-one platform that allows IR teams to work more efficiently, measure the impact of shareholder communications on on-market and off-market behaviour, and use data and insights to reach and engage more investors in less time.

Using Campaign Monitor for IR is like cutting steel using a butter knife.

Using Campaign Monitor for IR is ineffective. You are running campaigns using an e-commerce email tool to engage investors without access to registry intelligence or investor insights to back up your communications.

  • Investor engagement and analytics.Campaign Monitor’s analytics are designed for marketing and e-commerce, not investor relations. You can't personalise investor communications or measure their impact effectively because Campaign Monitor does not integrate with your registry.
  • Incompatible with IR workflows.Campaign Monitor is an e-commerce marketing tool, meaning it doesn't account for the nuanced requirements of typical IR workflows. This makes Campaign Monitor a time-consuming tool for IR teams.
  • Switch to InvestorHub
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    An all-in-one platform for scalable investor engagement.

    Using InvestorHub to engage investors directly means leveraging a registry-integrated platform specifically designed for IR. This leads to effective and easily-scalable investor communications.

  • Integrated approach.With InvestorHub, not only do you you get an all-in-one product specifically designed for IR teams and company leadership you also get access to an integrated service offering that helps you maximise the value of our product from day 1.
  • Interactive investor hubs.Interactive investor hubs provide your investors with a centralised platform where investors can access real-time updates, announcements, and any relevant information they need to make buying decisions.
  • Registry integration.InvestorHub offers a registry-integrated CRM that makes investor engagement efficient via insights into shareholder behaviour and investor analytics.
  • Book a demo
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    "We're always striving to continuously improve our cost and engagement efficiency. InvestorHub fits perfectly for us because it gives us a centralised, impactful and insightful control centre for our investor engagement that also saves us time and effort."
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    James DurrantCEO @ ASX:REE

    Scale your investor relations with an all-in-one platform.

    InvestorHub combines an investor centre, communications tools, registry analytics and an investor CRM into a singular, commanding platform making it easier for IR teams to scale their efforts.

  • Communications hub.Communicate more effectively and frequently with the market using registry-integrated campaign tools that replace Mailchimp.
  • Intelligence hub.Learn more about your shareholders with the world's no. 1 registry-integrated CRM that offers detailed analysis and crucial insights.
  • Interactive investor hub.Become the single source of truth for investors by taking your investor centre to the next level. Scale your investor engagement to grow a community of investors with the same level of conviction as your top 20.
  • Raise hub.Streamline your next capital raise with specialised tools that make capital raising from your shareholders more efficient with smaller post-raise selloffs.
  • Request a demo
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    What sets InvestorHub apart from Campaign Monitor.

    Trying to scale your investor relations with generic tools can be a real drain on time and resources.
    This is why InvestorHub offers a better way.


    With InvestorHub, you have a registry-integrated CRM that makes it easy to find, segment, and communicate with shareholders at scale. Use data-driven registry intelligence to measure the ROI of your investor relations.
    How we make investor engagement scalable
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    Measurably better.

    With a live dashboard and monthly reporting, InvestorHub makes it easy to measure the impact of your investor relations and how it affects your registry. Know at any point what's working and what's not without digging into a pile of spreadsheets and disparate generic tools.
    How we help make your IR more impactful
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    Connected to capital raise outcomes.

    When you identify, target, and build relationships with the right investors using InvestorHub, you’re well-prepared for your next capital raise. Our dedicated support team helps increase shareholder uptake, identify high-net-worth investors, and provides resources to guide you through the process.
    How we make capital raising easy
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    Here's what InvestorHub users are saying.

    Do more with less.

    “Any company that wants to save time and maximise impact when engaging their shareholders needs to use InvestorHub."

    Read ASX:DRE's story right here.
    Dean TuckCEO @ ASX:DRE

    Best tool for investor relations.

    “InvestorHub has been like a trusted navigator for our capital markets strategy. The highly accessible analytics and detailed shareholder information allowed us to develop an effective investor relations plan, ultimately growing our shareholder base”.
    Don SmithMD @ ASX:TEM

    Measurable impact for IR teams.

    "InvestorHub has fitted perfectly into how we operate as IR professionals, and has unlocked a whole range of efficiencies along the way. We now spend less time cobbling together various solutions, reach more investors, and have an easy way to measure our impact."
    Harbury AdvisorsIR Firm

    Ready to switch over to InvestorHub?

    Whether you're looking to acquire more new investors, increase shareholder conviction, improve liquidity, or raise capital, InvestorHub's integrated suite of tools can help.


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