Turn newsflow into market momentum.

When shareholders are unengaged, capital is more expensive, volume is tough to move, your share price is at the whim of macro forces, and voting outcomes become a gamble.

InvestorHub gives public companies control through better shareholder engagement.


Direct from you to your investors.

InvestorHub gives management teams the ability to directly engage every investor, efficiently.

More effective.

Direct shareholder engagement is the most effective way to increase shareholder conviction.

You do it with your top 20, and now you can do it with every shareholder.

More efficient.

The only reason you use third parties to engage the market is because you don't have the time to do it any other way.

InvestorHub has changed that, providing companies with the tools that make direct investor engagement scalable.
"InvestorHub has really been key in maintaining scalable, consistent communications with our shareholder base which has supported our share price performance."
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Mike JonesMD @ ASX:IPT

InvestorHub is used by companies to directly engage 500k+ investors.

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The most efficient way to engage the market.

InvestorHub's integrated tools allow companies to directly engage thousands of shareholders.

Read ASX:REE case study
"We're always striving to continuously improve our cost and engagement efficiency. InvestorHub fits perfectly for us because it gives us a centralised, impactful and insightful control centre for our investor engagement that also saves us time and effort"
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James DurrantCEO @ ASX:REE
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for public companies.

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Shareholder insights at the click of a button.

A simple platform to quickly identify who's in your register, their trading history, contact information, and how they engage with your team.

Read LSE:N4P case study
"InvestorHub has given us the tools to effectively engage with our investors at every stage of their journey. By maintaining frequent and proactive communication, we've been able to foster stronger relationships and build a more engaged and supportive shareholder base."
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Nigel TheobaldCEO @ LSE:N4P
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Get started with a complementary market report from InvestorHub.

As an introductory offer to InvestorHub, we'll run a diagnostic on your company, your peers, and your sector to help you understand the impact that D2I can have on your shareholder engagement, liquidity, share price momentum, and capital raise objectives.

Book in a call with one of our experts, and we will deliver a bespoke diagnostic report.

Request analysis
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Interactive communications tools.
Investor relations analytics.
Monthly reporting & insights.
Investor centre 2.0.
Automated investor communications.
Capital raising tools.
Email and social media tools.
Registry-integrated CRM.
Unique investors engaged.
High net worth investors identified.
Clients across Aus and UK.

Registry-integrated features to help you build momentum.

Amplify the impact of your investor relations with our all-in-one platform and support services.

All the IR tools. One platform.

All the tools you will ever need for investor relations on one platform, from a registry-integrated investor CRM to automated communications tools.

Investor centre 2.0.

Give your investors easy access to the information they need for informed trade decisions and watch your investor engagement scale organically.

Efficient and user-friendly.

Our platform offers automation and critical insights from registry-integrated shareholder data so that public companies can optimise shareholder engagement with minimal effort.

Dedicated account support.

Receive ongoing strategic support from our dedicated team of experts who can help shape your investor relations to save you time and resources.
“The beauty of the investor hub is the ability for investors to engage directly with the management team.”
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Debbie FullartonCFO @ ASX:DRE

Take control through better shareholder engagement.

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